Antisocial Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour

What is Antisocial Behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour is a behaviour that harms others and violate social rules, includes action like agression, vandalism and property damage.Individuals displaying such behaviours will act without considering the social and emotional consequences.

Antisocial behaviour in adolescence

Adolescence is a transitional phase from childhood to adulthood.This period is influenced by various biological, social and psychological changes and all these will reflect in their behavioural patterns.Common antisocial behaviours that found in adolescence includes
•Substance abuse
•Defiance of authority

Reasons for these behaviours

Several factors contribute to these behaviours
•Family dynamics
•Socio economic status of family
•Parental psychiatric history
•Their tendencies to seek autonomy
•Peer influence / peer pressure

How to manage Antisocial Behaviour in adolescence?

As mentioned earlier adolescence seek autonomy to make decisions in their life and they sees them self as a grown up person than a child.When parents or any other authority figure question their decision they may become rebel. Early interventions and proper support from family plays a crucial role in managing this developmental period. Open and free communication among family members, along with providing clear explanations about the consequences of risky behaviors, is more helpful in managing adolescence than simply saying "No." If the issues persist, it is necessary to consult a mental health professional.

Copyright:Dr Gayathri's Wellness Space @2023