BPD-Borderline Personality Disorder

Broderline Personality Disorder

What is BPD ?

- Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition which affects the overall outlook of ones personality and marked by issues in regulating their emotions and dramatic behaviour. People with BPD has uncontrollable emotions,unstable relationships, impulsiveness,mood swings and self harm behaviours. All these sensitive behaviours make the person socially isolated and small things will trigger intense anger and this will lead to issues in personal relationship especially with parents, friends and spouse. BDP is mostly diagnosed in late adolescence or in early adulthood and more cases are found in women than men.

How to recognise BPD ?

- Uncontrollable emotions especially anger.
- Extreme mood swings
- Constant fear of abandonment
- Impulsive behaviours
- Self harm behaviours including suicidal attempts.
- Unstable relationships.
- Feeling of emptiness.
- Unstable self image

What are the reasons of BPD ?

- Experiences of childhood trauma.
- Incidents of physical and sexual abuse during childhood.
- Genetic factors.
- Irregularities in brain structure or function

Is it necessary to see a mental health expert ?

- Similar to other mental health conditions, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) also requires treatment. Effective treatment can enable individuals to lead a healthier life. A significant hurdle faced by people with BPD is related to their family relationships. Engaging in therapy sessions that involve family members can assist them in overcoming these challenges. Additionally, providing proper psychoeducation to families can enhance the overall quality of life.

Treatment for BPD

-Individuals with BPD typically receive a combination of psychotherapy and medication as part of their treatment. The primary psychotherapy approaches utilized in BPD treatment include Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Engaging in group therapy sessions with individuals facing similar challenges can enhance their understanding of their issues and equip them with strategies for overcoming these challenges. Additionally, providing psychoeducation to family members is crucial in the treatment process, as it ensures that they can provide care and support to the individual.

Copyright:Dr Gayathri's Wellness Space @2023