Trichotillomania , also called hair-pulling disorder, is a mental health disorder that involves repeated and compulsive unconscious urges to pull out one's' own hair.This condition falls under the classification of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).When this issue becomes severe,it creates negative effects on the person''s social and Physical well-being. Trichotillomania comes from Greek words:Tricho: hair,Tillo: pull and Mania: excessive behavior or activity.
Trichotillomania is especially common in every age group and more common in womens.Major cause of Trichotillomania is stress and trauma,
in most cases it is developed as a coping mechanism to a stressful event. In children and adolescents trauma related with any psychological
or physiological insident or stress related to academics may provoke Trichotillomania On the other hand in adults, their work stress and childhood
trauma becomes the main cause for Trichotillomania.
If you can't stop pulling out your hair and notices above mentioned symptoms it is essential to see a mental health professional.
Treatment of Trichotillomania includes psychotherapy and medication.Habit reversal training methods are the most useful psychotherapy
method for treating Trichotillomania.